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Yorbeau closes first tranche of private placement

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Montreal, March 11, 2016 - Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company has closed a non-brokered private placement financing of $500,000 representing the first tranche of an equity financing of up to $750,000. Under this first tranche, the Company issued a total of 7,142,859 units at a price of $0.07 per unit for gross proceeds of $500,000. Each unit consists of one common share of the Company (a “Common Share”) and one half of one common share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant (a “Warrant”) entitles the holder thereof to purchase one Common Share at a price of $0.10 for a period of two years, provided that if the closing price of the Common Shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange is equal to or greater than $0.25 for 20 consecutive trading days, the Company will be entitled to accelerate the expiry date of the Warrants to a date ending 30 days from the date notice of such acceleration is given to the warrantholders.

Proceeds from the private placement will be used to provide working capital to the Company.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at

For further information, please contact:

Gérald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau reports additional high grade mineralization at Scott project

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  • including 6.4 metres of 17.4% zinc

Montréal, March 2, 2016 - Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to report on recent diamond drilling results at its 100% owned Scott Lake project in Quebec.

Drill hole SC-83 intersected two distinct massive sulphide intervals which constitute the deepest intercepts yet in the Gap Lens. These mineralized intervals, as were all intercepts released by the Company since June 2015, are located outside of the mineral resources as currently estimated (see attached Figure 1) at the Scott project.

Assay results are shown below:

DDH SC-83 Section 1950W(weighted averages)

From(m) To(m) Length(m) Cu% Zn% Aug/t Agg/t Remarks
988.2 996.0 7.8 0.1 9.9 1.0 30.8 massive sulphides(Gap Lens)
992.0 996.0 4.0 0.1 13.7 1.4 39.8 massive sulphides
1,033.0 1,039.4 6.4 0.3 17.4 0.6 28.5 massive sulphides (Gap Lens)

As this is still preliminary drilling on the above mineralization, the exact shape and true width cannot be determined with certainty. The core lengths obtained may not reflect the true width of the mineralization.

Borehole geophysics completed in SC-83 indicates that there is still additional conductive material downdip from the deepest intercept yet on the Gap Lens. However, while this is seen by Company management as very encouraging, testing downdip from SC-83 is not part of the objectives of the current program.

Company president Gérald Riverin stated: “We are very encouraged with the high grade results of SC-83 and particularly the higher gold grades when compared to previous holes. This augurs well for the future. We also would like to highlight the skills of our technical team which has been able to control deviation in deep holes and thus allow the Company to fully capitalize on deep drilling with a series of wedge-cuts that generate accurate pierce points at very competitive costs. We are looking forward to pursuing drilling in this sector.”

The Scott Lake property, 100% owned by Yorbeau, already hosts a number of polymetallic massive sulphide lenses. These represent combined inferred resources of 5.45 million tonnes grading 1.2% copper, 4.6% zinc, 0.2 g/t gold and 34 g/t silver, using an NSR cut-off of $80 per tonne (Technical Report prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates and filed by Cogitore Resources in 2011).

A wedge-cut from hole SC-83 was also completed updip of SC-83 and sampled recently. Assays are pending and expected to be released around March 15. A new hole is in progress to the west of SC-83.

All drill core discussed in this press release was logged and marked up for assay at the Company’s secure facility in Chibougamau, Quebec. Drill core for assay was split in half. Half of the core was shipped in sample bags to Techni-Lab S.G.B. Abitibi Inc. (ACTLABS) of Ste-Germaine-Boulé, Quebec, with appropriate standards, duplicates and replicates used for quality control purposes. The other half of the core is retained for future reference.

Work is carried out by the personnel of Yorbeau, under the supervision of Gérald Riverin, PhD, P. Geo. He is a qualified person (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) and has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at

For further information, please contact:

Gérald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel : 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau reports additional high grade mineralization at Scott Project

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  • 5.0 metres of 12.1% zinc and 0.7% copper

Montréal, January 6, 2016 - Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleasedto report on recent diamond drilling results at its 100% owned Scott Lake project in Quebec.

Drill hole SC-82W intersected another higher grade massive sulphide zone approximately 45 metres updip from a similar intersection reported originally in hole SC-82 (October 29, 2015 press release). As was the case in SC-82, this shallower high grade massive sulphides intercept is located along the potential up-dip extension of the CFO Lens. Another mineralized interval was also obtained along the Gap Lens in hole SC-31W2. These mineralized intervals, as were all intercepts released by the Company since June, are located outside of the mineral resources as currently estimated (see attached Figure 1) at the Scott project.

Assay results are shown below:

DDH SC-82W Section 1900W(weighted averages)

From (m) To (m) Length (m) Cu % Zn % Au g/t Ag g/t Remarks
588.6 593.6 5.0 0.7 12.1 0.2 10.2 massive sulphides (CFO horizon)
588.6 589.3 0.7 3.6 22.2 0.6 26.3 massive and stringers sulphides


DDH SC-31W2 Section 1900W(weighted averages)

From (m) To (m) Length (m) Cu % Zn % Au g/t Ag g/t Remarks
853.0 884.0 31.0 1.0 1.4 0.2 28.2 stringers sulphides (Gap Lens)
853.0 859.4 6.4 1.8 0.9 0.1 48.7 stringer sulphides
876.0 884.0 8.0 1.0 1.7 0.2 32.3 stringer sulphides

As this is still preliminary drilling on the above mineralization, the exact shape and true width cannot be determined with certainty. The core lengths obtained may not reflect the true width of the mineralization.

The high grade massive sulphides (5.0 metres of 12.1% zinc and 0.7% copper) discovered at a depth of 588.6 metres are associated with a distinct mineralized horizon located about 100 metres to the north of the one hosting the newly discovered Gap Lens. These sulphides are associated with a rhyolite unit known as “Tony Rhyolite” and this interval is therefore interpreted as being located along the up-dip extension of the CFO Lens but at much shallower depth than indicated by previous work (see attached Figure 1).

Hole SC-82W did not intersect mineralization along the Gap Lens. Indeed, at the targeted depth volcanic host rocks are cut by barren intrusive rocks associated with the Chibougamau Pluton. This situation is analogous to what happened in hole SC-53W5 (see Figure 1 and press release of October 13, 2015) and reinforces the concept of a steep plunge to the west for the Gap Lens and possibly the West Lens. Hole SC-31W2 is a wedge cut drilled from hole SC-31W (press release of November 30, 2015). The stringer sulphides in SC-31W2 are all hosted by altered rhyolite, as is the case in the West Lens and in previous intersections from the Gap Lens.

Company president Gérald Riverin stated: “We are very encouraged with the high grade results of SC-82W along the CFO horizon. Now with a second cut on this target horizon, we are confident that this shallower high grade zone has some extent and may develop into a significant zone. We are looking forward to pursuing drilling in this sector.”

The Scott Lake property, 100% owned by Yorbeau, already hosts a number of polymetallic massive sulphide lenses. These represent combined inferred resources of 5.45 million tonnes grading 1.2% copper, 4.6% zinc, 0.2 g/t gold and 34 g/t silver, using an NSR cut-off of $80 per tonne (Technical Report prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates and filed by Cogitore Resources in 2011).

Drilling will resume shortly with one drill rig and in fact the hole that was in progress just before the winter holiday break had already reached a depth of 900 metres and was close to the target depth.

All drill core discussed in this press release was logged and marked up for assay at the Company’s secure facility in Chibougamau, Quebec. Drill core for assay was split in half. Half of the core was shipped in sample bags to Techni-Lab S.G.B. Abitibi Inc. (ACTLABS) of Ste-Germaine-Boulé, Quebec, with appropriate standards, duplicates and replicates used for quality control purposes. The other half of the core is retained for future reference.

Work is carried out by the personnel of Yorbeau, under the supervision of Gérald Riverin, PhD, P. Geo. He is a qualified person (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) and has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at

For further information, please contact:

Gérald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel : 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau closes $400,000 private placement

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Montreal, December 23, 2015 - Yorbeau Resources Inc.(the “Company”) (TSX: YRB.A) is pleased to announce that it has completed a non-brokered private placement of 3,636,363 flow-through common shares at a price of $0.11 per share for gross proceeds of $400,000.

At closing, the Company paid to Secutor Capital Management Corp. and Marquest Capital Markets a finder’s fee of 8% of the gross proceeds of the private placement.

The Company will use the proceeds raised from the issue of the flow-through common shares to incur Canadian exploration expenses on its properties.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at

For further information, please contact:

Gérald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel : 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements:
Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau continues to expand mineralization at Scott project

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Montréal, November 30, 2015 - Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to report on recent diamond drilling results at its 100% owned Scott Lake project in Quebec.

Drill hole SC-31W intersected two higher grade zones within a 48 metre mineralized envelope consisting of combined stringer and massive sulphides. The whole interval, including the higher grade zones, are part of the newly discovered Gap Lens. These mineralized intervals, as well as all intercepts released by the Company since June, are located outside of the current mineral resources (see attached Figure 1) at the Scott project.

Assay results are shown below: DDH SC-31W Section 1900W(weighted averages)

From (m) To (m) Length (m) Cu % Zn % Au g/t Ag g/t Remarks
879.6 888.0 8.4 0.3 5.1 0.5 35.5 massive and stringers sulphides
879.6 882.7 3.1 0.3 9.2 0.3 30.3 massive sulphides
916.0 927.9 11.9 0.5 5.4 0.6 37.1 massive and stringers sulphides

As this is still preliminary drilling on this zone, the exact shape and true width cannot be determined with certainty. The core lengths obtained may not reflect the true width of the mineralization.

The above stringer sulphides are all hosted by altered rhyolite, as is the case in the West Lens. Hole SC-31W is wedge cut drilled from original hole SC-31 which was drilled in 2008. The original hole had failed to hit any significant mineralization and, consequently, it was concluded at that time that West Lens mineralization and the rhyolite host ended around section 1800W as shown on attached Figure 1. As a result, in the latest resource estimate prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates, resources had to end around section 1800W. The above results in SC-31W and those reported recently in hole SC-82 (press release of October 29) indicate that this will have to be re-evaluated.

Company president Gérald Riverin stated: “We are very pleased with the results ofSC-31W. In addition to the significant widths of the mineralized zones intersected, the new data will help to better understand the link between the Gap Lens and the West Lens, which is a pre-requisite to a future resource estimate update.”

The Scott Lake property, 100% owned by Yorbeau, already hosts a number of polymetallic massive sulphide lenses. These represent combined inferred resources of 5.45 million tonnes grading 1.2% copper, 4.6% zinc, 0.2 g/t gold and 34 g/t silver, using an NSR cut-off of $80 per tonne (Technical Report prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates and filed by Cogitore Resources in 2011).

Drilling continues with one drill rig and the Company is in fact completing the sampling of yet another hole that was recently completed up-dip of SC-31W.

All drill core discussed in this press release was logged and marked up for assay at the Company’s secure facility in Chibougamau, Quebec. Drill core for assay was split in half. Half of the core was shipped in sample bags to Techni-Lab S.G.B. Abitibi Inc. (ACTLABS) of Ste-Germaine-Boulé, Quebec, with appropriate standards, duplicates and replicates used for quality control purposes. The other half of the core is retained for future reference.

Work is carried out by the personnel of Yorbeau, under the supervision of Gérald Riverin, PhD, P. Geo. He is a qualified person (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) and has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at www.yorbeauresources.comFor further information, please contact: Gérald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo President Yorbeau Resources Tel.: 819-279-1336 G. Bodnar Jr. Director Yorbeau Resources Inc. Tel.: 514-384-2202 Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202 Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.  

Yorbeau closes second and final tranche of private placement

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Montreal, November 3, 2015 - Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to announce that it has completed a second and final tranche of its previously announced private placement (see press release dated October 7, 2015) by issuing an additional 1,247,497 flow-through common shares at a price of $0.12 per share for gross proceeds of $149,700. The Company has raised aggregate gross proceeds of $750,000 under this financing.

The Company will use the proceeds raised from the issue of the flow-through common shares to incur Canadian exploration expenses on its properties.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% owned Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at

For further information, please contact:

Gerald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau hits two mineralized zones at Scott project

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  • 3.6 metres grading 1.6% copper and 27.9% zinc on CFO horizon
  • 26.7 metres grading 0.7% copper, 5.2% zinc and 42.3 g/t Ag on Gap Lens

Montréal, October 29, 2015- Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the "Company" or "Yorbeau") is pleased to report on recent diamond drilling results at its 100% owned Scott Lake project in Quebec.

Drill hole SC-82 intersected two distinct mineralized zones consisting of shallower very high grade massive sulphides along the potential up-dip extension of the CFO Lens horizon, and deeper combined stringer and massive sulphides within the newly discovered Gap Lens. These new mineralized intervals, as were all intercepts released by the Company since June, are located outside of the current mineral resources (see attached Figure 1) at the Scott project.

Assay results are shown below:

DDH SC-82 Section 1900W (weighted averages)

From(m) To(m) Length(m) Cu% Zn% Aug/t Agg/t Remarks
607.5 611.1 3.6 1.6 27.9 0.4 20.2 Massive sulphides (CFO horizon)
799.8 826.5 26.7 0.7 5.2 0.4 42.3 Stringers and massive sulphides (Gap Lens)
799.8 815.0 15.2 1.1 4.9 0.5 59.2 Stringer sulphides
821.1 824.6 3.5 0.3 9.4 0.1 17.7 Massive sulphides

As this is still preliminary drilling on this zone, the exact shape and true width cannot be determined with certainty. The core lengths obtained may not reflect the true width of the mineralization.

The high grade massive sulphides (1.6% copper and 27.9% zinc) discovered at a depth of 607.5 metres are associated with a distinct mineralized horizon located about 100 metres to the north of the one hosting the newly discovered Gap Lens. These sulphides are associated with a rhyolite unit known as "Tony Rhyolite" and this interval is therefore interpreted as being located along the up-dip extension of the CFO Lens but at much shallower depth than indicated by previous work (see attached Figure 1). The 26.7 metre interval at a depth of 799.8 metres is interpreted as being part of the newly discovered Gap Lens and suggests continuity along a strike length of at least 100 metres for the Gap Lens (Figure 1).

Company president Gérald Riverin stated: "We are very excited with the results of SC-82. In particular, while the 27 metre mineralized interval in the Gap Lens is very encouraging, the high grade massive sulphides intersected on what could be the extension of the CFO Lens showed up as a bonus on our drilling program on the Gap Lens. Because of its high grades and shallower depth, and subject to confirmation by further drilling, this new zone could become a significant development at the Scott project."

The Scott Lake property, 100% owned by Yorbeau, already hosts a number of polymetallic massive sulphide lenses. These represent combined inferred resources of 5.45 million tonnes grading 1.2% copper, 4.6% zinc, 0.2 g/t gold and 34 g/t silver, using an NSR cut-off of $80 per tonne (Technical Report prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates and filed by Cogitore Resources in 2011).

Drilling continues with one drill rig and the Company is in fact completing the sampling of yet another hole that was recently completed down-dip of SC-82.

All drill core discussed in this press release was logged and marked up for assay at the Company's secure facility in Chibougamau, Quebec. Drill core for assay was split in half. Half of the core was shipped in sample bags to Techni-Lab S.G.B. Abitibi Inc. (ACTLABS) of Ste-Germaine-Boulé, Quebec, with appropriate standards, duplicates and replicates used for quality control purposes. The other half of the core is retained for future reference.

Work is carried out by the personnel of Yorbeau, under the supervision of Gérald Riverin, PhD, P. Geo. He is a qualified person (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) and has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company's 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company's website at

For further information, please contact:
Gérald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau hits 14 metres of massive sulphides and confirms continuity of new lens at Scott Lake

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  • 3.6 metres grading 1.6% copper and 27.9% zinc on CFO horizon
  • 26.7 metres grading 0.7% copper, 5.2% zinc and 42.3 g/t Ag on Gap Lens

Montréal, October 29, 2015- Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the "Company" or "Yorbeau") is pleased to report on recent diamond drilling results at its 100% owned Scott Lake project in Quebec.

Drill hole SC-82 intersected two distinct mineralized zones consisting of shallower very high grade massive sulphides along the potential up-dip extension of the CFO Lens horizon, and deeper combined stringer and massive sulphides within the newly discovered Gap Lens. These new mineralized intervals, as were all intercepts released by the Company since June, are located outside of the current mineral resources (see attached Figure 1) at the Scott project.

Assay results are shown below:

DDH SC-82 Section 1900W (weighted averages)

From(m) To(m) Length(m) Cu% Zn% Aug/t Agg/t Remarks
607.5 611.1 3.6 1.6 27.9 0.4 20.2 Massive sulphides (CFO horizon)
799.8 826.5 26.7 0.7 5.2 0.4 42.3 Stringers and massive sulphides (Gap Lens)
799.8 815.0 15.2 1.1 4.9 0.5 59.2 Stringer sulphides
821.1 824.6 3.5 0.3 9.4 0.1 17.7 Massive sulphides

As this is still preliminary drilling on this zone, the exact shape and true width cannot be determined with certainty. The core lengths obtained may not reflect the true width of the mineralization.

The high grade massive sulphides (1.6% copper and 27.9% zinc) discovered at a depth of 607.5 metres are associated with a distinct mineralized horizon located about 100 metres to the north of the one hosting the newly discovered Gap Lens. These sulphides are associated with a rhyolite unit known as "Tony Rhyolite" and this interval is therefore interpreted as being located along the up-dip extension of the CFO Lens but at much shallower depth than indicated by previous work (see attached Figure 1). The 26.7 metre interval at a depth of 799.8 metres is interpreted as being part of the newly discovered Gap Lens and suggests continuity along a strike length of at least 100 metres for the Gap Lens (Figure 1).

Company president Gérald Riverin stated: "We are very excited with the results of SC-82. In particular, while the 27 metre mineralized interval in the Gap Lens is very encouraging, the high grade massive sulphides intersected on what could be the extension of the CFO Lens showed up as a bonus on our drilling program on the Gap Lens. Because of its high grades and shallower depth, and subject to confirmation by further drilling, this new zone could become a significant development at the Scott project."

The Scott Lake property, 100% owned by Yorbeau, already hosts a number of polymetallic massive sulphide lenses. These represent combined inferred resources of 5.45 million tonnes grading 1.2% copper, 4.6% zinc, 0.2 g/t gold and 34 g/t silver, using an NSR cut-off of $80 per tonne (Technical Report prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates and filed by Cogitore Resources in 2011).

Drilling continues with one drill rig and the Company is in fact completing the sampling of yet another hole that was recently completed down-dip of SC-82.

All drill core discussed in this press release was logged and marked up for assay at the Company's secure facility in Chibougamau, Quebec. Drill core for assay was split in half. Half of the core was shipped in sample bags to Techni-Lab S.G.B. Abitibi Inc. (ACTLABS) of Ste-Germaine-Boulé, Quebec, with appropriate standards, duplicates and replicates used for quality control purposes. The other half of the core is retained for future reference.

Work is carried out by the personnel of Yorbeau, under the supervision of Gérald Riverin, PhD, P. Geo. He is a qualified person (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) and has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company's 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company's website at

For further information, please contact:
Gérald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.


Yorbeau closes $600,300 private placement

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Montreal, October 7, 2015 - Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to announce that it has completed a non-brokered private placement of 5,002,498 flow-through common shares at a price of $0.12 per share for gross proceeds of $600,300.

The Company will use the proceeds raised from the issue of the flow-through common shares to incur Canadian exploration expenses on its properties.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% owned Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates.The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at

For further information, please contact:

Gerald Riverin, Ph D., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel.: 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau resumes diamond drilling at the Scott Lake project

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Montréal, August 4, 2015 - Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to announce that drilling at the Scott Lake Project in the Chibougamau mining camp of Quebec resumed today with one drill rig.

The Scott Lake property, 100% owned by Yorbeau, already hosts a number of polymetallic massive sulphide lenses. These represent combined inferred resources of 5.45 million tonnes grading 1.2% copper, 4.6% zinc, 0.2 g/t gold and 34 g/t silver, using an NSR cut-off of $80 per tonne (Technical Report prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates and filed by Cogitore Resources in 2011).

Three (3) holes of the 2015 program at Scott Lake have been completed to date and all three have intersected massive sulphides over significant core lengths and with various grades of copper, zinc, silver and gold (see press releases of June 16 and July 9, 2015). Significantly, the sector where the drilling was done is centered between the West Lens and the deeper CFO Lens, which is an area strategically located where there was also an undrilled “gap” in the property, hence the name “Gap Lens” for the new zone.

The results of subsequent borehole geophysical data in the three 2015 holes seem to support the presence of a conductive body of “significant size” associated with the massive sulphide intercepts. Consequently, the Company has decided to drill the new discovery with enough detail (+/- 50m spacing) to be able to carry out a preliminary resource estimate on the Gap Lens. Approximately thirteen (13) new intercepts will be obtained within an area of about 400m by 600m, in a combination of new holes and of several wedge-cuts from existing holes.

Work is carried out by the personnel of Yorbeau, under the supervision of Gérald Riverin, PhD, P.Geo. He is a qualified person (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) and has more than 38 years of experience in mineral exploration.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km- long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The Company has recently expanded its exploration property portfolio by acquiring strategic base metal properties in prospective areas of the Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario that also feature infrastructure favourable for mining development.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at

For further information, please contact:

Gérald Riverin
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr. 
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.