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Yorbeau to purchase exploration assets from Cogitore Resources

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Montreal, October 21, 2014 - Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to announce that it has signed a Letter of Intent to purchase from Cogitore Resources Inc. substantially all of Cogitore’s exploration assets in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. The transaction is expected to close on or about December 22, 2014, once a meeting of Cogitore shareholders has approved the transaction. The consideration to be paid by Yorbeau under the transaction will be 25 million shares which will be subject to the statutory hold period of four (4) months. The completion of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including obtaining regulatory approval and approval by the shareholders of Cogitore and completing a satisfactory due diligence. There is no assurance that the transaction will be completed.

The exploration assets to be acquired by Yorbeau consist of seven (7) base metal exploration properties located in the highly prospective Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario, and a core shack and office building located in Chibougamau. Acquisition of these assets, combined with the exploration properties acquired through the recent business combination with Cancor Mines Inc. (see press release of May 29, 2014) will result in Yorbeau becoming a major owner of high quality base metal properties. The properties to be acquired from Cogitore include the Scott and Lemoine base metal projects in the Chibougamau region. Scott already hosts resources, prepared in compliance with NI 43-101, in the inferred category, of 5.4 million tonnes grading 1.2% copper, 4.6% zinc, 0.2 g/t gold and 34 g/t silver. Highly promising exploration targets ready to be drilled have recently been identified at Scott and opportunities for increasing the resources are considered excellent. The Lemoine project encloses the former producing Lemoine mine from which very high grade massive sulphides have been produced totaling 758,000 tonnes grading 4.2% copper, 9.6% zinc, 4.2 g/t gold and 83 g/t silver (source: Quebec government records). In northwestern Quebec, the projects include Selbaie West and Estrades-Caribou. Selbaie West encloses the same volcanic package that hosts the former producing Selbaie Mine (53 Mt grading 1.0% Cu, 2.0% Zn, 0.6 g/t Au and 41 g/t Ag) (source: Quebec government records). Recent drilling by Cogitore at Selbaie West led to the discovery of a silver zone grading 174 g/t silver over a core length of 5.4 m with no follow-up ever done on it. The Estrades-Caribou is located to the east of Hecla’s Casa Berardi gold mine. It contains a massive sulphide discovery made by Cogitore in 2009 (Caribou discovery) and which yielded high grade massive sulphides over core lengths of up to 2.3 metres. Prospects for possible extensions of the Caribou massive sulphide zone at depth are considered excellent.

Detailed exploration plans for the Cogitore projects will be communicated once the transaction is closed.

Mr. Gérald Riverin, who is a director of both Cogitore and Yorbeau, will abstain from voting with respect to this transaction.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company's 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6 km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. With this transaction, Yorbeau will also own a portfolio of high quality VMS style base metal exploration properties in prospective areas that also feature infrastructure and a political climate favourable for exploration and mine development. The new properties are all located in the highly prospective Abitibi Belt of Quebec and Ontario.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company's website at The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For more information please contact:

Gerald Riverin, PhD., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau initiates drilling program at the Rouyn property

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Montreal, September 25, 2014 – Yorbeau Resources Inc. (« Yorbeau » or the «Company ») reports the beginning of a 3,000 metre drilling program on its Rouyn property. One drill rig was mobilized to the property yesterday and the work will be pursued over the fall. Drilling will be focused on a 2 kilometre long stretch of the Rouyn property located between the far east boundary of the Astoria deposit and the cross-cutting prolific Smokey Creek structure with which several gold past producers are associated (Stadacona, Senator, Sillidor and Elder).

One of the objectives of the program is test the extent of the new gold zone discovered in May 2014 and which yielded 9.1 g/t Au over 9.0 m in hole AS-14-645 drilled in the vicinity of an old shaft sunk in the 1930s (see press release of July 8, 2014). Two holes will be drilled to test this zone at depths of 200 m and 400 m. The remainder of the program is designed to explore eastward the mineralized envelope within ultramafic rocks of the Piché Group, and particularly the intersection between this envelope and the cross-cutting Smokey Creek fault. Indeed, the intersection point between two well established gold bearing structures (Cadillac break and Smokey Creek fault) can be considered as a highly prospective sector for additional gold mineralization.

Over the past few months, Yorbeau’s technical team has continued the compilation of historical holes that was initiated in 2010. This work involved the re-logging of 55 historical holes in the Astoria sector with the objective of standardizing the geology with the Augmitto, Cinderella and Lake Gamble zones, sampling mineralized zones that may have been missed in the past, and characterizing the geochemistry of this sector. In addition, new mechanical stripping was carried out east of Astoria and the results of the compilation combined with those of the new stripping have confirmed the presence of basaltic rocks within the Piché Group. Basalts within the Piché Group may represent an important host rock for gold mineralization along the Cadillac break, as seen at the Kerr Addison mine in Ontario and the Lapa mine in Quebec. Their newly recognized presence at the Rouyn property is therefore significant and constitutes an important drill target that will be tested in the current program.

As part of this work, 212 samples were taken on previously unsampled drill core that reflect same parameters as observed in gold zones at Augmitto, Cinderella and Lake Gamble. These samples will be sent for assays shortly and results will be published when available.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6 km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at The raison d’être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For further information, please contact:

Gérald Riverin, PhD., P. Geo
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 819-279-1336

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau announces appointment of new president and termination of employment of vice president, corporate development

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Montreal, August 26, 2014 - Yorbeau Resources Inc. (“Yorbeau” or the “Company”) announces that David Crevier has resigned as President of Yorbeau and that Gérald Riverin, a director of the Company, has been appointed as the new President of Yorbeau. David Crevier will remain as a director and as Chairman of the Company.

Yorbeau also announces the termination of the employment of François Perron as Vice President, Corporate Development of the Company, effective immediately.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6 km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at The raison d’être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For further information, please contact:

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau identifies unreported mineralization in historical holes with assays up to 9.7 g/t Au over 6.0 metres at Rouyn property

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Montréal,July 23, 2014 - Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the "Company" or "Yorbeau") is pleased to provide an update on the balance of the current 2014 exploration program atthe Rouyn project.

As part of a modelling exercise, 5 historical holes from a 1995 drilling program on the Astoria block were selected for additional sampling. This exercise has resulted in both the identification of new mineralization and the expansion of known historical zones. In particular, a significant new interval assaying 9.7 g/t Au over 6.0 m was identified in holeAS95-9037. This interval, which had not been sampled in 1995, has confirmed the current structural interpretation. The new mineralized intervals from the historic holes are shown below:


Hole From To Core length (m) Au (g/t )
AS95-7025 49.0 55.0 6.0 1.6
AS95-9041 34.5 38.3 3.8 1.0
  51.8 53.8 2.0 2.3
  97.0 104.0 7.0 1.1
AS95-9040 57.1 67.3 10.2 0.9
AS95-9037 27.0 29.0 2.0 1.0
  63.9 95.5 31.6 2.5
Including 72.0 78.0 6.0 9.7
  84.0 86.0 2.0 4.5
AS95-7032 79.5 85.5 6.0 1.8

The following Table 2 summarizes the results of the sampling program, incorporating the new assays to the historical assayed intervals:


  2014 Assay Results 1995 Assay Results
Hole From To Length g/t Au From To Length g/t Au
AS95-7025 33.4 55.0 21.6 2.8 33.4 50.0 16.6 3.2
AS95-9041 33.0 46.8 13.8 30.0 41.3 46.3 6.5 60.1
  51.8 53.8 2.0 2.3 not sampled
  97.0 104.0 7.0 1.1 not sampled
AS95-9040 54.5 67.8 12.8 1.0 54.5 57.1 2.6 1.6
AS95-9037 27.0 29.0 2.0 1.0 not sampled
  62.4 78.0 15.6 4.1 62.4 63.9 1.5 1.5
  72.0 78.0 6.0 9.7 not sampled
  84.0 86.0 2.0 4.5 not sampled
  90.0 99.7 9.7 3.8 95.5 99.7 4.2 7.7
AS95-7032 71.7 85.5 13.8 1.7 71.7 79.5 7.8 1.5

True thickness is difficult to estimate as these historic holes were drilled from underground with highly variable orientations. However,the thickness typically represents 50 to 75% of core lengths.

The location of the drill holes is shown on the attached longitudinal section.

David Crevier, President and CEO commented "These latest findings combined with recent holes confirm that Astoria has significant untested potential.Hole AS-14-645 which intersected 9.1 g/t Au over 9.0 m (please see release dated July 8, 2014) opens up the deposit to the east and hole AS-14-636 which intersected 4.1 gAu/t over 5.0 m (please see release dated July 16, 2014) opens up the deposit at depth. Our more systematic approach continues to underscore the potential at the Rouyn Property. I look forward to updating shareholders as we position theCompany to unlock the potential at the Rouyn Property."

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

Samples were analyzed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Sudbury, Ontario,by fire assay with atomic absorption and gravimetric finish. The sampling and assaying program was subjected to Yorbeau's QA/QC program that includes inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company's 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company's website at The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For further information, please contact:

Francois Perron
Vice President, Corporate Development
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel: 416-312-4811

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America:1-855-384-2202

Renmark Financial Communications Inc.

Laurence A.Lachance:
Farialle Pacha:
Tel : (416) 644-2020 or (514) 939-3989

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau intersects 4.1 g/t Au over 5.2 metres at Rouyn property – confirming astoria zone open at depth

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Montréal, July 16, 2014- Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to provide an update on the balance of the current 2014 exploration program at the Rouyn project. Hole AS-14-645 which intersected 9.1 g/t Au over 9.0 m was previously released (please see release dated July 8, 2014).

These results are from a program undertaken as part of the $4 million firm commitment from the former optionee, prior to its corporate decision not to pursue the option agreement. The Company has been advised that the balance of the $4 million commitment that has not been spent will be paid in cash. The Company presently estimates this amount to be between $1 million and $2 million.

The program, which started on January 14th on the Rouyn Property consisted of 17 drill holes for a total of 7,312 metres. The goal of the program was to define extensions laterally and down plunge as well as confirming the plunge of higher grade ore zones.

Results to date include:

Table 1:          
Drill hole From To Core length (m)


Au g/t

AUG-14-629 110.6 111.6 1.0 4.4  
  254.0 255.0 1.0 6.6  
  266.0 267.0 1.0 0.5  
AUG-14-630 Stopped due to deviation
AUG-14-631 no significant value
CI-14-632 Stopped due to deviation
CI-14-633 150.0 151.0 1.0 6.0  
  212.0 213.1 1.1 3.4  
  868.0 869.2 1.2 5.3  
CI-14-634 Stopped due to deviation
GA-14-635 498.0 504.5 6.5 2.2 VG
  586.0 594.0 8.0 1.0  
AS-14-636 594.0 599.2 5.2 4.1 VG, Upper Piché
Including 596.7 598.2 1.5 11.2  
  642.0 647.6 5.0 1.1  
  652.0 657.5 5.5 3.8 VG, Lower Piché
Including 653.0 654.0 1.0 13.7  
  667.4 669.0 1.6 1.3  
GA-14-637 743.0 753.0 10.0 1.7 VG
AS-14-638 511.4 512.7 1.3 2.8 VG
  524.0 525.0 1.0 1.6  
  544.0 545.0 1.0 2.0  
AS-14-639 65.0 66.0 1.0 1.2  
  287.0 288.0 1.0 1.4  
  300.0 304.4 4.4 1.5  
  377.0 380.0 3.0 0.9  
  464.4 476.4 12.0 0.9 VG
  498.0 501.0 3.0 0.8  
GA-14-640 6.0 21.0 15.0 2.8 Footwall Zone
Including 11.0 15.0 4.0 6.9  
  60.0 63.0 3.0 1.6  
  105.0 108.0 3.0 1.0 Piché Group
GA-14-641 3.0 7.0 4.0 3.8 Footwall Zone
  16.0 50.0 34.0 2.7 VG
Including 39.0 42.0 3.0 7.9 Footwall Zone
  63.0 67.0 4.0 2.2  
GA-14-642 Stopped due to deviation
GA-14-643 149.0 152.8 3.8 1.0 VG
  258.0 268.4 10.4 1.4  
  306.0 313.0 7.0 1.2  
AS-14-644 Stopped due to deviation

True thickness is estimated to be 70% of core length except for drill holes GA-14-640, GA-14-641 and GA-14-643 which had to be drilled towards the north where true width is estimated to be approximately 15% to 25 % of core length.

A series of diagrams showing the pierce points on long sections of the various zones that were drilled is attached hereto.

David Crevier, President and CEO commented “We are pleased with hole AS-14-636 which is one of the deepest holes at Astoria and shows that very encouraging mineralization persists at depth. In conjunction with recent hole AS-14-645 which showed that the Astoria mineralization opens up to the east, these results confirm the enormous exploration potential of the Astoria zone. As our exploration team continues to consolidate the information from this work, we look forward to establishing the future path of value creation for Yorbeau shareholders.”

In addition, once the compilation and transfer of information from the former optionee is completed and compiled, the Company also expects to report on a review of historical data on the Astoria block that has resulted in the assaying of formerly unsampled core as well as the re-assaying of historic holes.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

Samples were analyzed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Sudbury, Ontario, by fire assay with atomic absorption and gravimetric finish. The sampling and assaying program was subjected to Yorbeau’s QA/QC program that includes inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at The raison d’être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For further information, please contact:

Francois Perron
Vice President, Corporate Development
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel: 416-312-4811

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Renmark Financial Communications Inc.

Laurence A. Lachance:
Farialle Pacha:
Tel : (416) 644-2020 or (514) 939-3989

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau intersects 9.1g /t Au over 9 metres (including 20.2 g/t Au over 3.8m) at Rouyn property

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Montréal, July 8, 2014 - Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to provide an update on the 2014 exploration program at the Rouyn project.

These results are from the very last drill hole from a program undertaken as part of the $4 million firm commitment from the former optionee, prior to its corporate decision not to pursue the option agreement. The Company has been advised that the balance of the $4 million commitment that has not been spent will be paid in cash. The Company presently estimates this amount to be between $1 million and $2 million.

Drill hole AS-14-645 was drilled to the east of the current mineralized envelope at Astoria, below the 114m deep Eastern shaft which was sunk in 1926. The following table summarizes the results of drill hole AS-14-645:

Table 1

Drill hole From To Core length
(g/t Au)
AS-14-645 136.0 145.0 9.0 9.1 Carbonatized ultramafics (Piché Group)
with visible gold
136.0 139.8 3.8 20.2  
151.0 154.0 3.0 2.7  

Because of the lack of more detailed drilling in this sector, the true width of the above mineralized zone is unknown but is estimated to be around 60% to 70% of the measured core lengths.

This drill hole is located to the east of the Astoria property and represents the first hole outside the known mineralized envelope in that direction. The location of the drill hole can be found on the attached location map. The above noted mineralization is located below the 1926 shaft at a vertical depth of approximately 132 metres.

David Crevier, President and CEO commented “This hole has whet our appetite for what could lie to the east of Astoria at relatively shallow depth. Identifying a high grade extension to known mineralization in a new and open direction is a material development which confirms significant potential exists at shallow depth to the east which remains to be evaluated.”

In addition, the Company is in the process of completing the balance of the compilation work for the drilling that had been completed prior to the former optionee’s withdrawal from the project. Furthermore, once the compilation and transfer of information from the former optionee is completed, the Company also expects to report on a review of historical data on the Astoria block that has resulted in the assaying of formerly unsampled core as well as the re-assaying of historic holes.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

Samples from hole AS-14-645 were analyzed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Sudbury, Ontario, by fire assay with atomic absorption and gravimetric finish. The sampling and assaying program was subjected to Yorbeau’s QA/QC program that includes inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates.

More information on the Company may be found on the Company’s website at The raison d’être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For further information, please contact:

Francois Perron
Vice President, Corporate Development 
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel: 416-312-4811

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Renmark Financial Communications Inc.

Laurence A. Lachance:
Farialle Pacha: 
Tel : (416) 644-2020 or (514) 939-3989

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau announces election of directors

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Montréal, June 19, 2014- Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) announces that the director nominees listed in the Company’s Management Proxy Circular dated May 16, 2014 were elected as directors of Yorbeau at the Annual and Special General Meeting of Shareholders (the “Meeting”) held on June 17, 2014 in Montreal, Quebec.

The proxy votes submitted for each director were as follows:











G. Bodnar Jr.





David Crevier





Frank Di Tomaso





Pierre Gagnier





François Perron





Philip Renaud





Gérald Riverin





Thomas L. Robyn






The results of the other matters considered at the Meeting are reported in the Report of Voting Results filed on SEDAR on June 19, 2014.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The raison d’être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For further information, please contact:

François Perron
Vice-President, Corporate Development 
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel: 416-312-4811

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Renmark Financial Communications Inc.

Laurence A. Lachance:
Farialle Pacha: 
Tel : (416) 644-2020 or (514) 939-3989

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Gold Fields advises Yorbeau of intent to withdraw from Yorbeau’s Rouyn property

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Montréal, June 17, 2014 - Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) announces that it has been advised by Gold Fields Sudbury Exploration Corp. (“Gold Fields“) that, as part of its withdrawal from most greenfields exploration projects, resulting from the Gold Fields Group’s revised portfolio management process and focused corporate growth strategy, Gold Fields intends to drop its option to earn a joint venture interest in the Rouyn property. Yorbeau continues to hold a 100% interest in its Rouyn property.

The Option and Joint Venture Agreement signed by Gold Fields in 2013 included a firm commitment to incur expenditures of $4 million on the Rouyn property by the end of 2014. Gold Fields has advised that it will make a cash payment to Yorbeau in the amount of any shortfall in the required $4 million expenditure.

Management of the Rouyn property project will revert to the Yorbeau exploration team that is already in place at the property. Transition issues such as the transfer of databases and of other relevant documents including pending assays results, geotechnical reports and resource models should be completed in the coming weeks.

David Crevier, President and CEO commented: “Gold Fields’ choice to no longer invest in greenfields exploration worldwide reflects their assessment that, in the current very difficult market conditions, it is cheaper to buy, rather than build, an operating mine. Regardless, Gold Fields’ presence in the evolution of our Rouyn property has been extremely beneficial to the project. Our project has been strengthened by the drilling of the past 12 months as we have been able to better understand both historical zones, such as Astoria and Augmitto, and new discoveries that continue to expand such as Cinderella and Lake Gamble. In light of these developments we are presently reviewing what will be the optimal way to create value from our asset base and look forward to updating shareholders as to our future course of action.”

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports that include resource estimates. The raison d’être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For further information, please contact:

Francois Perron
VicePresident, Corporate Development 
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel: 416-312-4811

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Renmark Financial Communications Inc.

Laurence A. Lachance:
Farialle Pacha: 
Tel : (416) 644-2020 or (514) 939-3989

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau Resources Inc. and Cancor Mines Inc. announce completion of business combination

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Montreal, Quebec, May 29, 2014 – Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX :YRB.A) ("Yorbeau") and Cancor Mines Inc. are pleased to announce that the business combination previously announced by press releases dated February 18, 2014 and May 27, 2014 has been completed effective May 28, 2014. The company resulting from the amalgamation is named Cancor Mines Inc. and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yorbeau.

On behalf of the Boards of Directors:

David Crevier, President and Chief Executive Officer, Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel: 514-284-3663

G. Bodnar Jr., President, Cancor Mines Inc.
Tel: 514-849-3013 

Yorbeau announces shareholder approval of business combination with Cancor Mines Inc.

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Montreal, May 27, 2014 – Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX: YRB.A) (“Yorbeau”) is pleased to announce that at their special meeting held today, the shareholders of Cancor Mines Inc. (“Cancor”) have approved the proposed amalgamation (the “Amalgamation”) of Cancor and 8860840 Canada Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yorbeau, which was previously announced on February 18, 2014.

The Amalgamation will be completed by the issuance of a certificate of amalgamation by the Director in accordance with the provisions of the Canada Business Corporations Act. The Amalgamation will become effective at 12:01 am (Montreal time) on the date shown in the certificate of amalgamation which is expected to be May 28, 2014. Following the Amalgamation, all outstanding shares of Cancor will be delisted from the Canadian Securities Exchange and will be converted into shares and warrants of Yorbeau on the basis of one Yorbeau share and one half of one Yorbeau warrant for each twelve shares of Cancor. Full details of the Amalgamation are set out in the information circular of Cancor dated April 29, 2014 which is available on SEDAR at

David Crevier, President and CEO of Yorbeau adds “After giving effect to the Amalgamation, Yorbeau will have more than $1.5 million of cash. With adequate financial resources, Yorbeau is now uniquely positioned with a major partner funding exploration on our Rouyn property”.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports.

As previously announced, in May of 2013 Yorbeau entered into an option and joint venture agreement with Gold Fields Sudbury Exploration Corp., a 100% indirect subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited (“Gold Fields”) relating to the Rouyn Property. Under the agreement Gold Fields has a firm commitment to incur $4 M in expenditures on the Property prior to the end of 2014 as part of a total commitment of $19 million prior to the end of 2017 to earn 51%. For more information on the option and joint venture agreement, see the Company’s press releases dated May 22, 2013 and June 26, 2013.

For further information, please contact:

François Perron
Vice President, Corporate Development 
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel: 416-312-4811

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc. 
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Renmark Financial Communications Inc.
Laurence A. Lachance:
Farialle Pacha: 
Tel : (416) 644-2020 or (514) 939-3989

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.