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Yorbeau and Gold Fields enter into an option and joint venture agreement for the Rouyn property

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Montréal, May 22, 2013- Yorbeau Resources Inc.(TSX: YRB.A) (the “Company” or “Yorbeau”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an option and joint venture agreement with Gold Fields Sudbury Exploration Corp., a 100% indirect subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited (“Gold Fields”). Subject to certain conditions, Gold Fields has the option to earn a 51% interest in the Company’s 100% held Rouyn Property (“Property”) in Quebec, Canada. In order to exercise the option and vest the 51% interest, Gold Fields is required to fund $19 million in exploration and development expenditures, which includes a cash pre-payment of $1 million to Yorbeau in respect of services and equipment to be provided to Gold Fields by the Company. Gold Fields is also required to participate in three private placements for securities of Yorbeau with the cost ranging from at least $3 million and up to a maximum of $6 million. Upon vesting a 51% interest in the Property, Gold Fields has a further option to increase its interest to 70% by spending an additional $15 million over three years after the initial term.

In recognition of the value of the infrastructure currently existing on the Property, the agreement also requires Gold Fields to provide the Company with a credit of $40 million in lieu of Yorbeau’s future contributions to the joint venture.

The 51% option has various milestones over a period of 4.5 years from the commencement date, which may be accelerated at the option of Gold Fields. These milestones include a firm commitment by Gold Fields to spend $4 million within the first 18 months with additional expenditures to be incurred at the rate of $5 million per annum for an aggregate expenditure of $19 million. The $4 million commitment includes a cash pre-payment of $1million to be paid in two equal instalments; the first on commencement date and the second nine months later. With regard to the private placements for units of the Company, each unit will consist of one common share and one-half of a purchase warrant, the units to be priced at the greater of $0.30 or a 10% premium to market. The first of the private placements is to occur 30 months after commencement date, with additional placements to occur thereafter on an annual basis.

Gold Fields will manage all field work during the option period. A steering committee consisting of one representative each of Gold Fields and the Company will be formed to oversee the exploration work and review the work program during this period. Once Gold Fields exercises its option, it will be the operator of the resulting joint venture.

The transaction is subject to Gold Fields completing its due diligence enquiries by June 30, 2013, and Yorbeau obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals, including by the Toronto Stock Exchange.

About Gold Fields Limited

Gold Fields is a large unhedged producer of gold with attributable annual production of approximately 2 million gold ounces from six operating mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and South Africa. Gold Fields also has an extensive and diverse global growth pipeline with four major projects in resource development and feasibility. Gold Fields has total attributable gold Mineral Reserves of 54.9 million ounces and Mineral Resources of 125.5 million ounces. Gold Fields is listed on the JSE Limited (primary listing), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ Dubai Limited, Euronext in Brussels (NYX) and the Swiss Exchange (SWX). In February 2013, Gold Fields unbundled its KDC and Beatrix mines in South Africa into a separately listed company, Sibanye Gold.For more information visit the company’swebsite at

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The Company’s 100% controlled Rouyn Property contains four known gold deposits in the 6-km-long Augmitto-Astoria corridor situated on the western half of the property. Two of the four deposits, Astoria and Augmitto, have substantial underground infrastructure and have been the focus of NI 43-101 technical reports.

A recently completed comprehensive report on the Company may be found on the Company’s new website at The raison d’être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp.

For further information, please contact:

David Crevier
President and CEO
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel: 514-284-3663

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau intercepts 5.6 g/t Au over 6.0 metres and increases mineralized envelope by 30%

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Montréal, January 24, 2013- Yorbeau Resources Inc. ("Yorbeau") reports that its 2012 drilling campaign comprised 34 holes and 2 wedge-cuts for a total of 14,366 metres. All of these holes were drilled on the Lake Gamble Zone of the Rouyn Property and have confirmed the continuity of the gold bearing structures in this area resulting in an increase of the known mineralized envelope by about 30% compared to the previous year. The Lake Gamble Zone remains open to the east and to the west, and especially at depth as indicated by drill hole 12-GA-579 (see press release of September 6, 2012). The last hole in the program, 12-GA-602, returned a value of 5.6 g/t Au over 6.0 metres at a vertical depth of 230 metres.

In the coming weeks the technical staff of Yorbeau will devote itself to compiling and interpreting the results from the 2012 drilling program. These results will then be incorporated into a new resource estimate compliant with NI 43-101 which the Company intends to commission in the near future. This resource estimate will comprise the Lake Gamble and Cinderella Zones on the Rouyn Property which cover a strike length of approximately 3 km along the Cadillac Larder Lake Break (CLLB). These new resources will then be added to the known resources on the adjoining Augmitto and Astoria blocks for a global estimate of the ounces of gold contained on the western half of the Rouyn Property. In 2013 Yorbeau intends to continue exploring the numerous gold targets located on the property with an aggressive drilling program. It is expected that the program will also comprise drilling on the 6 km of largely virgin ground straddling the CLLB in the eastern half of the Rouyn Property.

Highlights of the recent drilling include the following assay drill holes:

Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) Au g/t Zone Remarks
12-GA-597 109.0 110.0 1.0 1.7 Piché  
  117.0 137.0 20.0 2.6 Piché 73 specks of VG over 20 m
including 120.0 131.0 11.0 4.1 Piché  
and 126.0 131.0 5.0 7.4 Piché  
  182.0 187.5 5.5 0.4 footwall  
12-GA-602 298.0 304.0 6.0 5.6 Piché 17 specks of VG over 5 m
including 299.0 300.0 1.0 23.2 Piché  
and 302.0 303.0 1.0 7.0 Piché  

The locations of the holes are shown on the attached figure. Although true width of the mineralized zones cannot be established with accuracy given the large spacing between holes, it is estimated that it may represent about 70% of core length.

The 2012 drilling program comprised a drilling pattern such that the piercing points of the various drill holes are located no more than 100 metres apart. This spacing should permit the estimation of resources in the inferred category under NI 43-101.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

Samples are analyzed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec. All samples are analyzed by standard fire assay. Samples returning more than 3 g/t are re-analyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Yorbeau has implemented a QA/QC program that consists of inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory. Selected pulp samples will also be re-analysed by a different laboratory.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

A recently completed comprehensive report on the Company may be found on the Company's new website at The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

For further information, please contact:

David Crevier
President and CEO
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel: 514-284-3663

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements:
Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau intercepts 3.7 g/t Au over 15 metres and continues to extend the lake gamble zone

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Montréal, December 6, 2012- Yorbeau Resources Inc. ("Yorbeau") is pleased to provide the latest results from the drilling on the Lake Gamble Zone of its Rouyn Property. The drilling campaign has been ongoing since January 10, 2012 and will conclude in the coming days with drill holes 12-GA-600 and 12-GA-602. A total of 36 holes have been drilled and two wedges have been completed for approximately 14,415 metres of core on the Lake Gamble Zone. Five drill holes have been completed during the month of November, including hole 12-GA-593 which returned a grade of 3.7 g/t Au over 15 metres. The hole has extended the Lake Gamble Zone to the west at depth thereby increasing the mineralized envelope in this area (see the attached longitudinal).

The technical staff of Yorbeau is presently completing the logging and sampling of the mineralized intervals encountered in the last seven holes and continues to observe in all holes numerous specks of coarse gold as mentioned in the following table.

The purpose of the 2012 exploration program is to generate the data necessary to permit the preparation of resource estimates on the two targeted zones (Lake Gamble and Cinderella) compliant with NI 43-101. The new resources will be then added to the known resources on the Augmitto and Astoria Blocks for a global estimate of the ounces of gold contained on the Rouyn Property.

Highlights of the recent drilling include the following assay intervals:

Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) Au g/t Remarks
12-GA-592 602.0 609.0 7.0 1.2 Piché Group, 16 specks of visible gold
12-GA-593 549.0 564.0 15.0 3.7 Piché Group, 38 specks of visible gold
555.0 556.0 1.0 7.9
556.0 557.0 1.0 20.0
563.0 564.0 1.0 8.1
12-GA-594 498.0 508.0 10.0 2.3 Piché Group, 1 speck of visible gold
498.0 499.0 1.0 14.7
503.0 504.0 1.0 6.5
12-GA-595 402.0 409.0 7.0 3.5 Piché Group, 19 specks of visible gold
404.0 408.0 4.0 5.6
12-GA-596 Results to come Piché Group, 5 specks of visible gold over 45 metres
12-GA-597 Results to come Piché Group, 73 specks of visible gold over 20 metres
12-GA-598 Results to come Piché Group, 29 specks of visible gold over 21 metres
12-GA-599 Logging in progress Presence of visible gold, amount undetermined
12-GA-600 To be drilled
12-GA-601 Logging in progress Presence of visible gold, amount undetermined
12-GA-602 To be drilled

The locations of the holes are shown on the attached figure. Although true width of the mineralized zones cannot be established with accuracy given the large space in between holes, it is estimated that it may represent about 70% of core length.

The current program comprises a drilling pattern such that the piercing points of the various drill holes are located no more than 100 metres apart. This spacing should permit the estimation of resources in the inferred category under NI 43-101.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.
Samples are analyzed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec. All samples are analyzed by standard fire assay. Samples returning more than 3 g/t are re-analyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Yorbeau has implemented a QA/QC program that consists of inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory. Selected pulp samples will also be re-analysed by a different laboratory.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

A recently completed comprehensive report on the Company may be found on the Company's new website at The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

For further information, please contact:

David Crevier
President and CEO
Yorbeau Resources Inc.

Tel: 514-284-3663

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.

Tel.: 514-384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau intercepts 35.0 g/t Au over 3.0 metres and 4.3 g/t Au over 13.0 metres at a vertical depth of less than 200 metres

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Montreal, October 23, 2012 - Yorbeau Resources Inc. ("Yorbeau") is pleased to provide an update on its 2012 exploration program which is focused on the Lake Gamble Block of the Company's Rouyn property. A recent hole intersected two mineralized zones, respectively assaying 4.3 g/t gold over 13.0 metres and 35.0 g/t gold over 3.0 metres at a vertical depth of less than 200 metres.

The drilling campaign has been ongoing since January 10, 2012 with one drill rig in operation. Encouraging results at shallow depths prompted the Company to drill additional holes and a second drill rig has been mobilized to the property in order to accelerate completion of the program. To date 24 holes and two wedges between sections 7800 E and 8250 E have been completed for a total of about 10,000m. The Company anticipates drilling an additional 2,500m of NQ core and expects to complete the program around mid-December. The purpose of the program is to generate the data necessary to permit the preparation of a resource estimate on the Lake Gamble Block compliant with NI 43-101.

Highlights of the recent drilling include the following assay intervals:

Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) Au g/t Remarks
12-GA-591 213.0 226.0 13.0 4.3

Piché Group with visible gold (36 specks)

217.0 222.0 5.0 8.5

Piché Group with visible gold

274.0 277.0 3.0 35.0

Footwall Zone with visible gold

276.0 276.33 0.33 281.0

coarse visible gold,> 8 oz/ton

276.66 277.0 0.34 31.8

coarse visible gold

12-GA-590 136.0 141.0 5.0 1.6

Hangingwall Zone

  167.0 170.0 3.0 1.1

Piché Group

  179.0 180.0 1.0 1.3

Piché Group

12-GA-589 271.0 277.0 6.0 0.6

Piché Group, with traces of visible gold (4 specks)

  295.5 297.0 1.5 2.9

Footwall Zone

Another hole, GA-592, recently completed on the same section as hole GA-591 at a vertical depth of 600 metres intersected a mineralized zone with 17 specks of visible gold over a core length of 5.0 metres; assays are pending.

The locations of the holes are shown on the attached figure. Although true width of the mineralized zones cannot be established with accuracy given the large spacing between holes, it is estimated that it may represent about 70% of core length.

The current program includes definition and in-fill drilling so that the piercing points of the various drill holes are located no more than 100m apart. This spacing should permit the estimation of resources in the inferred category under NI 43-101.

"We continue to be impressed by the continuity and extent of the mineralization at Lac Gamble in spite of the sampling challenges caused by the ubiquitous presence of coarse visible gold which accounts for high variability in gold assays. We remain confident that we are working on a significant gold deposit that ultimately may have to be proved up by underground exploration" says President and CEO David Crevier.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

Samples are analyzed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec. All samples are analyzed by standard fire assay. Samples returning more than 3 g/t are re-analyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Yorbeau has implemented a QA/QC program that consists of inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory. Selected pulp samples will also be re-analysed by a different laboratory.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

A recently completed comprehensive report on the Company may be found on the Company's new website at The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

For further information, please contact:

David Crevier
President and CEO
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: (514) 284-3663

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: (514) 384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau Announces Mining Analyst Report

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Montreal, September 28, 2012 - Yorbeau Resources Inc. ("Yorbeau"') is pleased to announce the completion of a detailed report on the Company co-authored by two Canadian mining analysts. A summary of the report may be found at the following link. The full report may be found on the Company's new website at

The Company is currently conducting a significant drilling program on the Lake Gamble Block of its Rouyn property. Upon completion of the present drilling program, the Company is targeting the completion of NI 43-101 compliant resource estimates for both the Lake Gamble and Cinderella Blocks. These estimates are expected to be available in the first quarter of 2013. When added to the two previous resource estimates on the adjoining Augmitto and Astoria Blocks, the Company will be able to present mineral resources in four individual blocks along a continuous 6 km long corridor in the western portion of the property which hosts substantial underground and surface infrastructure in place.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.
The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

For further information, please contact:

David Crevier
President and CEO
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: (514) 284-3663

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: (514) 384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

Yorbeau Announces Appointment of New Chairman

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MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Sept. 7, 2012) - Yorbeau Resources Inc. ("Yorbeau" or the "Company")(TSX:YRB.A) announces that Thomas L. Robyn has resigned as Chairman of Yorbeau and that David Crevier, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, has been appointed as the new Chairman of Yorbeau. Thomas L. Robyn will remain a director of the Company. 

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.


David Crevier
President and CEO
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
(514) 284-3663
G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
(514) 384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Yorbeau Provides Update on its Current Drilling Campaign

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MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Sept. 6, 2012)- Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX:YRB.A) ("Yorbeau") is pleased to provide an update on its 2012 exploration program which is focused on the Lake Gamble Block of the Company's Rouyn property.

The drilling campaign started on January 10, 2012 and continues at present with one drill rig in operation.To date 21 holes and two wedges between sections 7800 E and 8250 E have been completed for a total of 8,734.9m.The Company anticipates drilling an additional 4,500m of NQ core and expects to complete the program around December. The purpose of the program is to generate the data necessary to permit the preparation of a resource estimate on the Lake Gamble Block compliant with NI 43-101.

Highlights include the following assays at a vertical depth of 100 metres:

Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) Au g/t Remarks
12-GA-580 129.0 135.0 6.0 10.2 Piché Group, with traces of visible gold
  129.0 130.0 1.0 57.9 Piché Group, with traces of visible gold
12-GA-584 113.0 122.0 9.0 10.3 Piché Group, 188 specks of visible gold
  118.0 119.0 1.0 17.4 VG (33 specks)
  120.0 121.0 1.0 33.7 VG (74 specks)
  121.0 122.0 1.0 30.9 VG (73 specks)

Other significant results include the following. Unless otherwise noted, all assays are from mineralized rocks from the Piché Group. The location of the holes is shown on the attached figure and assay details are shown below:

Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) Au g/t Remarks
12-GA-573 552.0 556.0 4.0 2.2 visible gold
  555.0 556.0 1.0 4.9 traces of visible gold
12.GA-576 565.0 567.0 2.0 2.3  
12-GA-577 520.0 524.0 4.0 2.7 visible gold
  520.0 522.0 2.0 4.3 several specks of VG
12-GA-579 811.0 825.0 14.0 2.3 assays preliminary only, at least
43 specks of visible gold within the interval
  811.0 812.0 1.0 8.4 VG
  818.0 819.0 1.0 3.0 VG
  823.0 825.0 2.0 8.0 VG
12-GA-580 198.0 204.0 6.0 2.2 Footwall zone
  199.0 200.0 1.0 4.9  
  203.0 204.0 1.0 4.9  
12-GA-581 276.0 281.0 5.0 0.7  
12-GA-582 308.0 314.0 6.0 3.9 VG
  310.0 311.0 1.0 5.8 VG (12 specks)
  313.0 314.0 1.0 15.8 VG (1 speck)
12-GA-583 357.0 361.0 4.0 0.7 VG (7 specks)
12-GA-585 84.0 85.0 1.0 4.6 VG (1 speck)
12-GA-586 177.0 179.0 2.0 1.8 VG (4 specks)
12-GA-587 134.0 136.0 2.0 1.2  
12-GA-588 208.0 240.0 32.0 1.3 assays preliminary only, at least 30 specks of visible gold within the interval
  228.0 229.0 1.0 13.7 VG (1 speck)
  237.0 238.5 1.5 16.1  

Although true width of the mineralized zones cannot be established with accuracy given the large spacing between holes, it is estimated to be about 70% of core length.

Drilling data on the Lake Gamble Block comprised of 48 holes drilled since 2006 has identified a panel of mineralization which has a strike length of 400 m and which measures in excess of 400m on the vertical axis, starting at a depth of approximately 100m.The current program includes definition and in-fill drilling so that the piercing points of the various drill holes are located no more than 100m apart.This spacing should permit the estimation of resources in the inferred category under NI 43-101.

Gold mineralization appears to be abundant, but assays are erratic with coarse visible gold being observed in 35 of the 48 holes (72%) in the Lake Gamble area.The erratic nature of the gold mineralization presents certain challenges with respect to appropriate sampling and the Company is currently working on establishing an improved protocol for processing samples for assaying.Preliminary indications are that, using a conventional protocol at a commercial laboratory, assay results demonstrate a variability of more than 300%.

Recently the Company drilled hole 12-GA-579 which was originally intended to target the Piché Group at a depth of 650m.The expected deviation in the drill hole did not occur with the result that the hole pierced the target formation at a depth of more than 800 m.This hole, one of the deepest on the Rouyn property to date, encountered 14m of mineralization with 43 specks of visible gold being observed in the core.It was decided to do a wedge off this hole and the result was hole 12-GA-579-W1B which encountered a mineralized section 16m in width with 83 specks of visible gold being observed in the core.Although complete sampling of these holes is being delayed until the Company establishes the new protocol better suited for coarse gold as mentioned above, holes 12-GA-579 and 579-W1B demonstrate clearly that the deposit is open at depth.

"In spite of the sampling challenges that we are experiencing at Lac Gamble, we are excited with the results obtained at shallow depth where we can see a significant 400 metre strike length of apparently continuous gold mineralization at a 100 metre depth." says President and CEO David Crevier. "These results, combined with the wide intercept at depth in holes 12-GA-579 and 579-W1B, set the stage for future exciting developments at our Rouyn property" adds Mr. Crevier. Upon completion of the present drilling program, the Company is targeting the completion of NI 43-101 compliant resource estimates for both the Lac Gamble and Cinderella Blocks.These estimates are expected to be available in the first quarter of 2013.When added to the two previous resource estimates on the adjoining Augmitto and Astoria Blocks, the Company will be able to present continuous defined resources along a 6 km long corridor in the western portion of the property.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 is Laurent Hallé, P.Geo., who has reviewed and approved the content of this release.

Assays referred to in this press release were obtained at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec. All samples are analyzed by standard fire assay.Samples returning more than 3 g/t are re-analyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish.Yorbeau has implemented a QA/QC program that consists of inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory.Selected pulp samples will also be re-analysed by a different laboratory.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

Forward-looking statements:Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.


David Crevier
President and CEO
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
(514) 284-3663
G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
(514) 384-2202
Toll free in North America:1-855-384-2202

Yorbeau Identifies Two New Exciting Exploration Targets at the Rouyn Property

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MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - April 18, 2012) - Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX:YRB.A)("Yorbeau") is pleased to report that its technical team has identified two new gold exploration targets at its Rouyn property.

The Company's drilling activities over the last five years have been focused on targets hosted by ultramafic rocks of the Piché Group, which led to the discovery of the Lake Gamble and Cinderella zones and to the preparation of a NI 43-101 resource estimate on the Augmitto target. While in-fill drilling continues at Lake Gamble in preparation for a forthcoming resource estimate later this year, field and compilation work on the rest of the property led to the recognition of promising new exploration targets in volcanic rocks of the Blake River Group. This work was in part initiated following the recent successes reported by Mines Richmont at the neighbouring Wasamac project where resources of 2.1 million ounces of gold have been identified in the measured and indicated categories.

Work by the Yorbeau technical team was focused on two main structures located to the north of the Augmitto-Astoria corridor. The two structures consist of envelopes of quartz-carbonate veins and disseminated pyrite hosted by various carbonatized and silicified volcanic units of the Blake River Group. Similar volcanic units of the Blake River Group also host Richmont's Wasamac mineralization. The location of the newly identified structures is shown on the attached Figure 1 ( and highlights of the targets are presented below.

Durbar target

Based on mapping and review of drill core, the interpreted gold-bearing structure (the "Durbar structure") is at least six kilometres long and is parallel to the Lac Pelletier and Wasamac faults located respectively 1.2 km and 2.1 km to the north and which control Alexis Minerals' Lac Pelletier deposit and Richmont's Wasamac deposit. The Durbar structure hosts the Durbar gold deposit (historical resources of 56,000 ounces), several gold intersections in the northern portion of Yorbeau's Cinderella Block, and the historical Brochu gold showings.

Old trenches located within the structure (Rollin showings) were visited and sampled by Yorbeau's staff in late 2011. Grab samples of quartz veins from the rollin trenches returned up to 12.6 g/t Au and a series of channel samples were also taken to cover envelopes of quartz veinlets with assays returning up to 4.85 g/t Au over a width of 1.3 metres.

In previous press releases related to the Cinderella target drilling, the Company regularly reported highly anomalous gold values in Blake River volcanics located to the north of the main Augmitto-Astoria corridor. After recent interpretation and field work, these gold values are now considered part of the Durbar structure. Some of the more significant gold values, which have been reported in various press releases between 2006 and 2011, are tabulated below:

Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) Au g/t
09-CI-470 60.0 61.5 1.5 6.09
09-CI-478 51.5 53.5 2.0 2.80
09-CI-520 39.0 45.0 6.0 3.14
87.3 89.0 1.7 3.28
09-CI-541 68.1 68.8 0.7 3.20
09-CI-550 28.0 29.0 1.0 4.67
11-CI-553 33.0 34.0 1.0 2.95
37.0 38.0 1.0 2.13
42.0 43.0 1.0 9.68
48.0 51.0 3.0 10.43
11-CI-564 114.0 116.0 2.0 3.90

The true width of the mineralized zones cannot be established with accuracy given the large spacing between holes but it is likely less than the reported core length. In all cases, the mineralization consists of quartz-carbonate veining with traces of pyrite and common visible gold. The above holes are located over a strike length of approximately 800 metres and all intersected the gold bearing veins at very shallow depths (15 to 70 metres vertical) because the primary targets for the design of the holes were much deeper and the Durbar structure was only sporadically intersected as an added benefit whenever the holes happened to be collared far enough to the north. Given the potential importance of the Durbar structure, the Company intends to continue developing drill targets along it in the coming months, with drilling contemplated for later in the year or in 2013.

Wright Rouyn target

Yorbeau's staff also re-evaluated an old gold prospect referred to as the Wright Rouyn prospect located in the north central part of the Rouyn property and is immediately adjacent to the past producing Stadacona mine. It is also strategically located where numerous important structures meet together, including the Smokey Creek, Stadacona, Stadacona East and Lac Pelletier faults. The Wright Rouyn prospect has been subject to sporadic exploration programs dating back to the early 1930's and the latest work consisted of diamond drilling by Yorbeau in 1984.

As part of the evaluation of the Wright Rouyn target, Yorbeau staff dug out extensive unpublished data from its archives and also retrieved and re-examined the core from five drill holes that were drilled in 1984 and stored at the Company's work site. The data review showed that at least sixteen drill holes yielded significant gold assays over core lengths ranging up to 16 metres. Importantly, the old drilling only tested the mineralization at vertical depths shallower than 150-200 metres. Assay results from the sixteen holes, which have never been published, are tabulated in Appendix 1 attached herewith. The re-logging of five drill holes allowed confirmation of significant mineralized zones in each of the holes and led to key structural measurements which will help planning future follow-up drilling.

In order to validate the historical assaying, three holes were selected for re-sampling and assaying. The old split core from selected intervals was carefully quartered with a diamond saw and sent through the routine Yorbeau sampling and assaying protocols. The results of the recent re-assaying are tabulated below:

Hole from (m) to (m) length (m)   historical assay (g/t Au)   new sampling (g/t Au)
WR-84-22 342.0 349.0 7.0   7.69   12.04
WR-84-23 81.0 87.0 6.0   7.41   6.92
WR-84-30 100.0 112.0 12.0   10.96   15.18

The above check assaying is interpreted as having confirmed the historical assaying. Field and interpretation work is still on-going but it appears that the gold bearing quartz veins at Wright Rouyn are associated with at least two main faults, namely the Stadacona and Lac Pelletier faults.

In addition to on-going infill drilling at Lake Gamble, the Company will continue to evaluate both the Durbar and the Wright Rouyn targets in order to prepare a diamond drilling program for later in the year or in 2013. Work planned in early summer includes mechanical stripping, geological mapping and sampling of trenches and stripped areas.

Yorbeau's president and CEO David Crevier commented "We are extremely pleased with the recent results obtained by our technical staff and are looking forward to initiate further testing of these targets. We are confident that the work will add considerable value to Yorbeau's Rouyn property."

Work is carried out by technical personnel of Yorbeau Resources Inc., under the supervision of Laurent Hallé, P.Geo. who has reviewed and approved the content of this release. He is a qualified person (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) and has more than 31 years of experience in mineral exploration.

New assays referred to in this press release were obtained either at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec, or at AGAT Laboratories in Sudbury, Ontario. All samples are analyzed by standard fire assay. Samples returning more than 3 g/t are re-analyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Yorbeau has implemented a QA/QC program that consists of inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory. Selected pulp samples will also be re-analysed by a different laboratory. 

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.


Selected (historical) drill hole intersections at the Wright Rouyn target

Hole from (m) to (m) length (m)   assay (g/t Au)   Re-sampling (g/t Au)
WR-84-02 78.5 84.0 5.5   5.99    
WR-84-04 20.0 33.5 13.5   2.28    
WR-84-05 93.0 107.0 14.0   6.33    
WR-84-09 78.5 84.0 5.5   3.69    
WR-84-20 205.5 208.0 2.5   7.44    
WR-84-22 342.0 354.0 12.0   4.91    
342.0 349.0 7.0   7.69   12.04
WR-84-23 81.0 87.0 6.0   7.41   6.92
WR-84-24 91.5 97.5 6.0   3.05    
WR-84-26 101.0 108.0 7.0   4.86    
WR-84-28 73.8 82.0 8.2   5.14    
WR-84-30 46.5 50.0 3.5   5.29    
97.0 113.5 16.5   8.22    
100.0 112.0 12.0   10.96   15.18
WR-84-31 53.0 54.0 1.0   19.03    
WR-84-32 85.5 97.0 11.5   3.96    
141.0 147.0 6.0   6.15    
WR-84-34 61.5 71.0 9.5   1.98    
WR-84-35 34.0 41.5 7.5   4.25    

At this time, the Company has not done sufficient work to establish the true width of the mineralized zones with accuracy given the large spacing between holes. However, the true width is likely less than the reported core lengths. The re-sampling of selected intervals by Yorbeau staff was done in late 2011.


David Crevier
President and CEO
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: (514) 284-3663
G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel.: (514) 384-2202
Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202

Yorbeau Provides Update on Lake Gamble Drilling at the Rouyn Property

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MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - March 5, 2012) - Yorbeau Resources Inc. ("Yorbeau") (TSX:YRB.A) is pleased to report progress on the drilling program at the Lake Gamble target on its Rouyn property.

A total of five holes have been completed to-date for a total of 1,965 metres. The program is designed to fill in large spaces in between existing drill holes on the Lake Gamble discovery with the objective of having a NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate later in the year.

Assays have been received for three holes and are presented in the table below:

Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Core
Length (m)
Au g/t Host Rock Unit
12-GA-569 301.0 303.0 2.0 0.31 Piché Group, with traces of visible gold
365.0 366.0 1.0 1.26 Footwall Zone
12-GA-570 307.0 311.0 4.0 1.94 Piché Group, with traces of visible gold
12-GA-571 351.0 354.0 3.0 5.25 Piché Group, with several specks of visible gold

The mineralized zone consists of abundant quartz-carbonate veining, green mica (fuschite), brown tourmaline and traces of arsenopyrite. All three holes contain visible gold, including hole 571 which contains several small specks over a 5 metre core length. The locations of the holes are shown on the attached figure ( Although true width of the mineralized zones cannot be established with accuracy given the large spacing between holes, it is estimated that it may represent about 70-80% of core length.

Drilling is currently on-going with one drill rig. It is expected that this drilling will be completed by the end of September to be followed by a resource estimate on the Lake Gamble and Cinderella deposits.

Work is carried out by technical personnel of Yorbeau, under the supervision of Laurent Hallé, P.Geo. who has reviewed and approved the content of this release. He is a qualified person (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) and has more than 31 years of experience in mineral exploration.

Samples are analyzed at ALS Chemex Laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec. All samples are analyzed by standard fire assay. Samples returning more than 3 g/t are re-analyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Given the visible gold in hole 12-GA-571, metallic sieve analysis was performed and is reported in the above table. Yorbeau has implemented a QA/QC program that consists of inserting blanks and gold standards in batch samples being sent to the assay laboratory. Selected pulp samples will also be re-analysed by a different laboratory. 

Upcoming Events

Technical staff of Yorbeau will be present at the 2012 PDAC in Toronto, Ontario. We will be showing recent drill core from the Lake Gamble drilling. We look forward to meeting you at this event:

March 6 - 7, 2012 - Investors Exchange - Level 800 Booth # 2616-B

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.


Thomas L. Robyn, Ph.D.

Chairman of the Board

Yorbeau Resources Inc.

(514) 384-2202

Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202


G. Bodnar Jr.


Yorbeau Resources Inc.

(514) 384-2202

Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202


David Crevier

President and CEO

Yorbeau Resources Inc.

(514) 284-3663

Yorbeau Announces Appointment of Frank Di Tomaso as Director

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MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Feb. 9, 2012) - Yorbeau Resources Inc. ("Yorbeau")(TSX:YRB.A) is pleased to announce the appointment of Frank Di Tomaso to its Board of Directors.

Mr. Frank Di Tomaso, FCA, ICD.D is a Chartered Accountant since 1972 and an ICD.D since 2009. He is a Corporate Director and an Advisory Partner at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP where he has worked since 1981, and most recently held the position of Managing Partner Audit - Public Companies. He is also a Director of Redline Communications Inc., the Laurentian Pilotage Authority and the Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec. He is engaged both in the business and the social community while being a member of many business associations and not-for-profit as well as charitable organizations. In that regard, he received the Award of Distinction from the John Molson School of Business - Concordia University in 2004, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the World of Business and the community.

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

The raison d'être of Yorbeau is to identify a world class gold deposit in a major mining camp. Against the backdrop of a market that is steadily more welcoming for gold, Yorbeau is poised to significantly increase the known gold resources on its properties in Northern Quebec.

Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, without limitation, regarding new projects, acquisitions, future plans and objectives are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.



Thomas L. Robyn, Ph.D.
Chairman of the Board
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
(514) 384-2202

Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202


David Crevier

President and CEO

Yorbeau Resources Inc.

(514) 284-3663


G. Bodnar Jr.


Yorbeau Resources Inc.

(514) 384-2202

Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202