Corporate Profile
Yorbeau Resources is a Canadian public company (TSX:YRB) involved in gold and base metal exploration in Quebec, Canada. Its properties are located in a northwestern area of the province containing a large number of significant deposits on the famed Abitibi Greenstone Belt, including major gold mines along the Cadillac-Larder Lake break and several volcanic centres hosting major copper-zinc-gold deposits.
At the present time, Yorbeau is focusing on its Scott zinc-copper and its Rouyn gold projects which have demonstrated the most immediate and substantial prospects for discovery and eventual mine development. While Scott is very favorably located in the Chibougamau mining camp, Rouyn represents a consolidation of several contiguous properties strategically located on the famously productive Cadillac Break in the Noranda mining camp. Other holdings of the Company include its interest in the past producing Joutel mining camp and the Beschefer Property adjacent to SOQUEM’s B-26 deposit in the Selbaie Mine area.